How to Know If your Pet has been Poisoned

How to Know if Your Pet Has Been Poisoned

Are you worried that your pet might have consumed something poisonous? Emergency care is needed to ensure pet safety and prevent severe illness or death. Understanding items toxic to pets and the signs of poisoning can help you get the prompt care necessary to maintain your pet’s health and happiness. Southside Veterinary Hospital in Vero Beach, FL, is here to tell you about toxic ingestion and what to do if your pet has been poisoned.

What Is Toxic to Pets?

Several household items can be dangerous for cats and dogs. You might also have plants in the yard or garden that are toxic for pets. Some of the most common hazardous items include:

•             Human medications

•             Chocolate

•             Raisins and grapes

•             Garlic and onions

•             Caffeine

•             Alcohol

•             Xylitol in peanut butter and other foods

•             Lilies, tulips, sago palms, and aloe

•             Cleaning products and other household products

•             Pesticides

Signs of Poisoning to Watch Out For

Consuming something toxic can affect pets in different ways. Some toxins act fast and affect bodily organs, while others act slower and may lead to serious health complications. Some signs to watch for include the following:

•             Blood in stool

•             Diarrhea

•             Appetite loss

•             Vomiting

•             Lethargy or lack of energy

•             Coordination or balance problems

•             Hyperactivity

•             Unusual items in the stool

•             Bleeding, especially in bare or almost bare areas

•             Bruising

Note that poisonous substances can cause symptoms you may not be able to see, like heart issues or liver function problems. Seek emergency pet care immediately if you notice your pet ingesting a toxic substance.

What to Do if Your Pet Has Been Poisoned

If you suspect that your pet has eaten or been exposed to a toxic substance, do the following:

•             Remain calm to avoid stressing your pet

•             Move your pet away from the toxic substance

•             Call our emergency vet right away during regular hours

•             If after hours, call a 24/7 emergency animal hospital or pet poisoning hotline

•             Follow instructions on how to handle your pet, depending on its condition

•             Gather a sample of the substance if possible

•             Bring your pet in for emergency care

Get Effective Emergency Care at Southside Veterinary Hospital in Vero Beach, FL

If your pet ingested a toxic substance and you need emergency pet care from a “veterinarian near you,” contact Southside Veterinary Hospital in Vero Beach, FL, immediately. Our vet can provide prompt treatment to protect your pet’s health and well-being. Call us and schedule an appointment at (772) 562-7845 to ensure your pet lives a long, healthy life.

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